Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blood Red Throne - Blood Red Throne (2013)

Country: Norway
Genre: Death Metal

I'm just writing this review whilst listening to the last songs from the album, and what I can say is that, it was literally "saved by the bell". It's a progressive album in terms of how it grows and how songs become more and more aggressive but effective at the same time. The first songs are boring shuffles of erratic riffs recycled from old and modern death metal. Boring, nothing new and nothing outstanding. But then the compositional part becomes tighter and the band incorporates catchy riffs and passages which make this album worth listening. Songs lack "flow" and that's the major flaw of this LP, but that doesn't mean that the good parts cannot be enjoyed by themselves. Another minor flaw of this LP is certain sounds, for example, the snare. It lacks power, definition, makes the final drum sound a bit dull and void. The guitar/bass mix is very effective, allows to hear lots of bass chopping in the stereo part whilst hearing powerful guitar riffs in the stereo. In terms of lyrics, I have no idea what these guys are talking about, but I don't find it very interesting to explore it either, maybe will be a future exercise when listening to this album. A couple of riffs where stolen directly from the Suffocation department, some others sound Slayeresque; some others sound like a modern version of the sound from early Entombed. I have to confess that there's something in this album that made me feel pissed off at the beginning, and I still can't understand what it was. I think it's the lack of compositional fluency from the album. All the great ideas are trapped inside a carcass of boring death metal disguise. I will try to enjoy the good parts and avoid the bad ones as much as I can. And stop listening to this when I get tired of being filtering...


Monday, September 29, 2014

Behemoth - The Satanist (2014)

Country: Poland
Genre: Death/Black Metal

Extreme metal has always been and will always be the black sheep of the music "family". It brings some extreme topics to the surface: it's controversial, irreverent, and discusses life, death, gods, passions and darkness. But mainly, if you're in a extreme metal band, you will hardly make a living out of it. Like some other genres, it's essentially "ars gratia artis", and it's very difficult that you will see some metallers becoming millionaires. Nevertheless, with the boom of new talented young bands around the world, old bands that were already established and had their own musical niches were commercially threatened by these new bands. In the case of Behemoth, it's one of those bands which were able to morph from primitive, raw, ultra-necro black metal to a more stylish blend of death and black metal. Not everyone saw this progression as positive, but what is true is that it allowed the band to continually find its own niche, which was much more important that preserving the musical direction or the initial concept of the band. In this new record, "The Satanist", Behemoth is able to combine two really important elements of extreme music, which enables it to be a commercial success and at the same time, a satisfying musical experience: a convincing, natural and experimental production and the 20+ year experience to write good musical compositions. The final result is beautiful and brutal... It must be clear that the musical focus from this album isn't on brutality, but at the same time it's able to preserve and display considerable intensity. Sophisticated, emotional and lucid arrangements dominate the record, whilst the production puts every riff and passage on another level. I can't just stop praising how great the production is in this album, because you can feel the music in its wholeness and still be able to see through it. You can definitely listen to the music as multiple well-differentiated streams of sound, like threads forming a weave. The mix is impeccable and the recording was done so greatly that no instrument tries to overshadow any other along the record, delivering a crispy and elegant final result. The cover art and the rest of the visual side of the album are of no lesser quality and brilliance. One of the best records of the year. I honestly thought they were about to repeat the same mistake from "Evangelion" in which they tried to imitate the great sounding "The Apostasy" with no success. Luckily for us fans, this was not the case, and we are able to listen to this magnificent follow-up. We need more of this, Behemoth. A dozen of this. 


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Grave Upheaval - Untitled (2013)

Country: Australia
Genre: Death Metal

Saying that this band is "death metal" could be one of the worst descriptions ever. It's not "just" death metal. Think of the deepest and darkest cave you can imagine, and then you put the most powerful amp you can find, plug your heaviest sounding guitar tuned to some unknown low note and start playing the most cacophonous and destructive melodies. Then you record some of these songs and make an album with no name, finishing it with the darkest and most perverse cover art. Make an altar, lit the candles and make invocations whilst listening to this record... This record itself is an energetic and chaotic display of extreme music and creates a mass (not wall) of sound that can be enjoyed in a single take. Obviously they sound like their friends Impetuous Ritual, which is a silly comparison considering that both are considerably unknown and is quite difficult for people to know them. They sound a bit like Portal as well, but this is because the three bands Portal/Grave Upheaval/Impetuous Ritual share most of their personnel. It seems that they want to produce more bands and collaborations in the same circle of musicians, but because the concepts are different, each have their own flavour, their own "sound". There is uniqueness in this music, but definitely they want to emulate the old glory from one of the heavyweights from Australian death metal: Disembowelment. It's like listening to this old, iconic band and with a different mix. It has the same depth and cavernous power; it also has the same processional rhythmic approach: cadent and slow. I don't want to be exaggeratedly pessimist about the feeling that I had when listening to this record, but I had this morbid thoughts when that happened: this is the soundtrack for the burial of mankind. Say no more, pick the record (if there are some copies still left from NWN) and grab your gasmask before you start hearing the air raid sirens warning you about the nuclear devastation. And press play in your stereo before that happens...


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nightbringer - Ego Dominus Tuus (2014)

I met this band in 2011 with their album "Apocalypse Sun" knowing also that they will release a new albun that year...and they got me hooked since. this is a different black metal many other that have emerged recently...and by different i mean that their lyrics and music is so sophisticated and well written...that it is a tribute to philosophy...the occult dark philosophy. going in a different direction from where all black metal bands are...specially in the satanic subject...they are way ahead of the curve...and they´re not alone...bands Such as Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega, Inferno; and a few more...they are into a different sense of the Luciferian theme...doing it based on the Prometheic Doctrine And Also The Thelema Writings...making an "Intelligent Black Metal"...why? because i presume that they got fed up of the same shit over and over again...just check their lyrics and you will understand why. and that is why i like this band so much...i mean...they left the boredom that implies to mention satan in every song...and even some stupidity about jesus and doing tons of shit to a corpse already mutilated and abused so many times trough the years...that is so dull and simplistic to even talk about it this case we are at the first steps of musicianship and lyricism greatness...a black metal well done...furious, mercyless...and totally above the majority of bands nowadays. and it´s funny to see how the "iconic" bands react to this kind of material, cause...honestly they are been left behind by this movement which is so young...that in the next 10 years they will be the new black metal icons. mark my words black metal fans looking for something better and even born from the depths of this occult philosophy that was hidden...this is a new era of consciousness...a new era of darkness...for the open minded and elitist thinkers...and of course not suitable for those who think of satan as a cartoonish being...Lucifer is more interesting...and even bettet described.


Joe Bonamassa - Different Shades Of Blue (2014)

Unlike other successful blues-rock guitarists, Bonamassa's influences are British and Irish blues acts, rather than American artists. Comparing the music in the United States to the "European" versions of the blues, Bonamassa found the English blues - fostered by the Jeff Beck Group, Eric Clapton and Irish blues player Rory Gallagher - to be far more interesting to him than the original Delta blues players. In an interview in Guitarist magazine, he cited the three albums that had the biggest influence on his playing: John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers with Eric Clapton (the Beano album), Rory Gallagher's Irish Tour and Goodbye by Cream. He also stated Stevie Ray Vaughan's Texas Flood was a big influence at a young age. He also listed the early blues playing of Jethro Tull as one of his influences, putting both Martin Barre and Mick Abrahams as important musicians to him. His first solo album was named after and includes a cover version of Jethro Tull's "A New Day Yesterday" from their album Stand Up.

Now in 2014...his new album, Different Shades Of Blue...takes us into a melodic journey of his influences and old sounds like never before...that we wish it never ends...great solos...that branded Bonamassa´s sound acquired trough his career makes us understand that we will have his musicianship, refined and class act as always...for a while.


Appalachian Winter - The Epochs That Built The Mountains (2014)

Appalachian Winter is a one man black metal band from the rural mountains of Pennsylvania. The theme of this band is the various entities of Pennsylvania's environment, with a focus on the harshness of Winter.

All albums are available for free download online. As he stated in an interview, D. G. Klyne used to make physical copies, but decided against doing so in the future. He changed that with the release of "Ghosts of the Mountains" which again is being released physically but still available for free download.

I love one man band projects...cause they have proven that you dont need that many people if yoire talented to do such things as a whole album...even a song is a challenge and a victory also...and doing it by yourself it demonstrates the opposite as stated in the music canons and conditions...that nowadays are getting obsolete and practically useless.

Mr. Klyne has already to this date, 6 albums...being this one his last masterpiece...and it is a really good album indeed...even though it has his atmospheric passages invoking the clear influence by also has some symphonic elements that are unique in its style...defined by the many influences he has in that area...vocals are are well done...drum machine sounds clear...altough maybe later as a suggestion if he tries a real drum sound or even a drummer to join him...that will improve the music to a whole new level...but so is good in my opinion.
something to check on in a rainy day or even when winter season begins...wherever you are.


Singularity - Singularity (2014)

While i was doing my usual surfing in Bandcamp checking new bands and new sounds subgenre by subgenre...this band showed up...Hailing From Tempe, AZ....when  i saw the pic from the band...i was like...naah...not worth it...but then...leaving my cocky and arrogant mindset aside...sweet lord...this band has an enormous potential...being this their first and only full is something to check on...i still cant believe that these young men do something like this...specially how demanding is tech death metal about techinique, proficiency and basically a really good musician...this men have that...skillful solos...amazing techinque...and of course they understand how this shit is done...also it has a little black-ish element as well that makes me want more of this band. something to consider in the near future...and a name to remember as days go by if they keep on doing this and even improving to higher levels of musicianship. well done...and sincerely wish them the best.


1349 - Massive Cauldron Of Chaos (2014)

1349 was when the year the Black Death arrived to Norway, wiping out 2/3 of the population and ending the Golden Age of Norway.
1349 rose from the ashes of "Alvheim" in 1997, with Ravn (vocals, drums), Tjalve (guitars) and Seidemann (bass), as well as Balfori (guitars). Ravn and Seidemann played in "Hofdingi Myrkra" which started in 1994 before becoming "Alvheim".
Numbering of tracks in all releases of 1349 since 2003 starts from 11 instead of 01...yeah i know...weird shit indeed.

For many people this band sounds exactly as Satyricon´s lost sound after Nemesis Divina...for me they do have that norwegian sound that is so unique in black metal...and specially in this album it is a trademark indeed in each track you hear...those grim hellish vocals from Ravn are quite distinctive...but i understand on how people mention this satyricon comparison...but that is not fair for any band...both are good on their own.

Massive Cauldron Of Chaos is a great bullshit no intros...straight to the point as it should be in this black metal style they have since their first album "Liberation". this album is really took me by surprise how good it is since the single didnt cheer me up that much...but the whole album is something worked fine and also its variety besides the traditional blast has some rythmic sections that actually changes how the flow of the album should be...and thats the beauty of it...bacause even though it is raw crude and fast...also knows when to pause and ease the flow of its rage and fury...its like you have the control of it...cause even those eerie guitar solos are perfectly fitted in...the tracks are enriched with all those elements making song by song a journey by itself.

Totally recommended for black metal fans who are looking for class act materials.


Ayreon - The Theory of Everything (2013

Country: Netherlands
Genre: Progressive Metal/Heavy

Arjen Anthony Lucassen is a well-known multi-instrumentalist from the Netherlands. He's been involved in many projects (which end up being almost solo projects) such as A.A. Lucassen, Star One and Ayreon, just to name a few. In overall, he holds more than 25 albums under his belt. He is just one of these geniuses that produce music throughout all of their lives and get little or no credit for achieving such levels of artistic proficiency. Actually, sometimes I feel very bad about him because he should be enjoying the fame of anyone in the big (commercial) leagues. Maybe that's not what he is looking for. Enough from this.
About the record. This record seems like a very defined and obsessive idea that one day came into AAL's mind and was written, executed and recorded just the way he imagined it. It has all this small details which sound like a symphony, like music you hear in your dreams and then wake up and say: "I was literally composing the music!". Too bad because most of us won't remember almost anything or will have the capacity to write any of the notes. But AAL was able to put all these pieces together, write it in a "rondo" fashion (think of Beethoven's Fifth Piano Concerto, "The Emperor") and invite some friends to sing and sound exactly as he had in mind. The vocal arrangements are truly my favourites here, the metal genre has great vocalists but not great vocal composers, and AAL is certainly one who stands out of the crowd. If you have an eclectic musical taste, like some art rock combined with metal and can stand the fact that the whole recording is the pulsating ego of AAL, this record is for you. Not everyday you get beautiful music like this, give it a try.



Monday, September 22, 2014

VA - Jazz & Blues The Best Collection Songs For The Soul (3CD) (2012)

For all the fans of jazz and blues...this is a compilation that will suffice your needs...specially because of the names this 3cd compilation has...i enjoyed it back in 2013 when i found it...and quite frankly it helped me a lot to discover a musical genre that i have abandoned for years...jazz. you see...when we get into metal...most of our day is joined by our favorite songs and our own playlists that we make to get up and boosted depending on how the day develops...but there is something left to be fulfilled...and this is when this genres come into mind. a moment of peace during a break...or even enjoying your lunch...whatever the reason it is...this is a great companion for those moments when all you need is to relax. so...i recommend that you pick at least one cd to be in your playlist...during those moments...and you will see how your mood will change and even get better...for the rest of the day.



Emeth - Aethyr (2014)

I dont know what surprises me the most...either that this band is so damn good and it already has 4 albums (being this one their most recent material) or...they are from Belgium...whatever the answer may be for my shocked brain...this album nails it! straight into your face riffs...some tempo changes acompanied for the classic chuggy guitars and an insane drumming...which makes me wonder that some drummers specifically in the tech brutal death subgenre they must have a metronome instead of a heart...amazing album overall...there's no waste in it...not even the final songs...that for some albums in this genre weakens the whole album concept or idea. but not this one...check it wonr be dissapointed. Just a reminder...Emeth means truth in hebrew. truth for metal insanity.



Solerrain - Fighting The Illusions (2010)

Hailing from St. Petersburg...this melodic death metal band really knows how to do their job. back in 2010 when the melodeath scene was in a turmoil...several bands had risen from unexpected countries...and this is one of them. and album with so many influences...most of them scandinavian...but also a distinctive strength not that common nowadays...some critics called them the" children of bodom from moscow"...but they rejected that comparison in an interview and sent a warm message to the critic who said that by giving him the middle finger live in a metal show...ahh isnt that what metal is about? never the less it may sound a little bodom-esque...they are a little apart from that style...sounding even more death metal in some parts and even neoclassical in others as well.

an album for true melodeath fans...and for people who arent into the subgenre fisrt so you can even ger excited or dissapointed...and leave room for others that really want to listen to this.



Obliteration - Black Death Horizon (2013)

Country: Norway
Genre: Black/Death Metal

Don't let yourself be fooled by the chaotic and undistinguishable cover art (the logo deserves the same adjectives) from the third full length by these Norwegians. It kicks off with "The Distant Sun", a very progressive track, slow and dense in the beginning, which effectively unleashes its power in a  energetic and neck-breaking mid-section. "Goat Skull Crown" hits you in second place, and waits no time providing a healthy dose of speedy black/death metal. I would like to comment on two musical elements, which also need to be praised in this effort: the vocals and the drums. Vocals sound so desperate and haunting, emotional at the same time. It's like the voice of someone escaping death, like someone begging for mercy from its victimiser. Another remarkable feature in the vocal department is a suitable mix: not too much on the foreground, not too much on the background, the listening experience is full and plentiful. I don't take for granted what some personalities say about some releases, because one can become incorrectly biased by compromised statements. However, before listening to this album I had the chance of reading what Fenriz, of Darkthrone-fame, had said about it. He said the record to be "organic", but this term has become so void and overused because in most of the so-called organic albums you just find that there's nothing really special about them. I was wrong and can tell you this is pretty much the first real "organic" sounding metal release that I have heard lately. Mics were probably used in a different way, but let me tell you, the drums have a primitive sound whilst the arrangements are tight and ugly-precise so you have this delightful final product which embodies both ugliness and beauty in a single artistic expression. I forgot to say that another of the important actors in this act is the sound of the bass. The bass has this rich and trebly metallic sound which fights and counteracts against the guitars. They don't provide the rhythmic foundations but instead, they continuously defy the guitars, like preventing them from becoming more important at any stage of the musical experience. In overall, this release should keep you full of ugly energy and wait for another Obliteration to be released in the future. I don't like to talk the future, but this band will be huge someday... Just saying.



Volbeat Discography

Formed in 2001, this band is quite hard to label...for instance...since their first album...they had this distinctive sound between hard rock, good old groove, a little rockabilly, and even some western spaghetti music...a whole other concept that broke all the conventionalisms in music...refreshing it with his originality.
i met them back un 2008 when a friend of mine told me that i should check this band...3 days before christmas...and the beginning i is this? johnny cash meets hard rock?...and actually put the album aside...months went by...and then my friend who was already a fan...he showed me their latest album "beyond hell/above heaven"...and was really good...still they had that unique touch which i didnt like...but i really dont know what happened but i enjoyed it...since that day i became a fan...this danish fellas really know how to make great music...and also to innovate in a almost saturated scene...we need more bands like them...otherwise...we may see in the future more copies of Volbeat...and that will suck indeed.



Rage Nucleaire - Black Storm of Violence (2014)

Country: Canada
Genre: Black Metal

I really don't like to put the "black metal" label on this release because it's much more than that. It has some black metal, some death metal, even some industrial sounds. However, this combination is not what makes this release unique, and I'm not talking about it being unique because of its originality. It's because of this brutal, evil, cacophonous feeling that invades your listening experience, it virtually desecrates your ears even in the first listen. It owns some kind of "sonic violence", and every track is able to deliver an equivalent amount of this energy throughout the record. No wonder why they explicitly put the word "violence" on the album title. Lord Worm, of Cryptopsy-fame, provides the vocals in this record and the result is as grim as the music: they are distorted shrieks like coming from an infernal beast trying to escape from imprisonment. Not many vocalists like to incorporate effects in their singing these days, but I personally like how they used many vocal experimentations in extreme metal and somehow miss that they are not doing it anymore (the harmonised vocals of Glen Benton, for example). Music-wise, guitars are driven by black metal-inspired riffs (tremolo picking, some well-known black metal chords, etc) and the drums are mostly repetitive, and vicious: they sound like machine-guns in the process of annihilation. According to the information available from the band, drums were actually played and it's not a drum machine, but their robotic and almost perfect sound makes it easy to consider that they were computer-programmed. I would also like to mention that this is one of those records which are able to change my psychological state: there's too much violence, too much action, too much of everything. I can listen to it but not very often, my piece of mind becomes endangered. Anyway, I strongly suggest listening to this record, it's up to you how much you're able to handle it and this is very subjective. This record is just like drinking coffee: you drink as many cups as you want; whilst for some one cup will be enough, some others will become mindless addicts that will crave for more and more Rage Nucleaire. Beware of this record.



Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sadism - The Ocularis Domination (2014)

After the legacy that Pentagram left for the chilean scene...a lot of bands emerged from it...being Sadism one of them...they started back in 1992 always with old school death metal style...and this 2014 they deliver another album filled with that old school death metal. fierce and striaight in your face kind of band...they really know how to make an album that crushes your ears with every chuggy riff as it was in the past. an album recommended for death metal fans...and metal in general wont regret it...and you will even love it or hate it...but at least you heard it.



Decapitated - Blood Mantra (2014)

When first formed, the age of the band members ranged from 12 (Vitek) to 16 (Vogg and Sauron).

On October 29th 2007, whilst traveling to a show in Gomel, Belarus, the band were involved in an automobile accident. Their tour bus collided with a truck carrying wood, injuring Vitek and Covan seriously. On November 2, 2007, Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka was declared dead due to injuries sustained from the bus accident. Currently, Covan is still recovering from his head injuries. It is still unknown if he will make a full recovery.

Since the band were without a permanent bass player at the time, Vogg was left as the only member of Decapitated. He temporarily joined Vader in 2008, but later that year decided to reactivate Decapitated. The band finally reformed in 2009 with three new members.

They Released 2 albums after that tragedy..."Carnival Is Forever"...and this one..."Blood Mantra". to be honest...carnival was more no less...nothing that will make me destroy my room with a bat and then wonder what have i done...then Blood Mantra shows up...and i need a new closet...i mean...i enjoyed it very much...even though the first twos singles werent that attractive...the whole albums works is a fair album even slightly better than a bit. even though i totally will know that a lot of people will say "is not them same without vitek" kind of me Mlody the drummer did a great job in this material...worth to check and listen least once.



Falkenbach - Åsa (2013)

Vratyas Vakyas is the mastermind behind this epic band...which i met several years ago...the album  i first had was Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri...and it was different to anything i have ever heard in my life in metal at the time.

Magni Bnandinn had that influence, old influence of the Bathory viking days...but also it had some tracks well done that they were so original...that it hooked me since then...and now...with Asa...they´re back into a more black metal style without losing their distinctive epic style...the mental landscaping that this band offers is quite a rarity nowadays...not so many bands can do that..even their first single Eweroun, we knew that something good was it did.

As i mention beofre...this band is not for everybody...and specially for people so narrowminded that they prefer the riffs and kicks and blast beast with mediocre sound...this is for those who can recognize quality and efficiency in music...besides...epick viking metal is only for even viking metal fans or epic metal fans...and as a fan of both...i enjoyed it very much.



Septicflesh - Titan (2014)

the first time i heard this band i was completely indifferent...i mean...mystic places of dawn wasnt my favorite...and i left the band since they were still doing some death metal, the death metal i dont like.

later on...i checked online and suddenly the summerian daemons showed up...and i was insanely blown away...what a change from that death metal they used to play into a more refined and even symphonic sofisticated path, which is an element i admire in not easy to adjust something so symphonic into metal and also a few people have succeeded doing it...and they did. then later came communion...a massive death metal album with orchestrations so huge that were overwhelming and unique...speedy and furious at the same time.

the great mass showed up later on...following the same musical structure...and quite frankly it was again an album that blew my mind...altough in some passages the songs weakened a little bit...overall it was great.

nowadays...titan showed up....holy fuck!...this album is so a juggernaut hitting trees...since the beginning starts to hit you in the far...after communion this release is their best so far in the symphonic era of septic flesh...i really enjoyed it...but the arrangements killed me...perfeclty fitting each and every song of this album. i recommend this since they have a huge fan in me...lets see if you can enjoy it as i do everytime i play it.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wintersun Discography

Formed by Jari Mäenpää as a side project when he was in Ensiferum. When the sessions booked for the recording of the first album clashed with an Ensiferum tour, Jari left Ensiferum. The first album was recorded entirely by Jari, apart from the drums which were played by Kai Hahto.

Former Ensiferum drummer Oliver Fokin briefly preceded Teemu Mäntysaari as the second guitarist but left before the recording sessions for second album began.

Jari used to describe the band's genre as "Extreme Majestic Technical Epic Melodic Metal". Later on, after "Time I" was released, he referred to it as "Universal Metal" due to lots of various influences included.

A unique style in composition which also as the old saying preaches "the devil is in the details"...their last album has many for each song...a gem indeed...and a must have also. not recommended for instinct pro headbangers...but totally recommended for those who want lo hunt the little things in a massive album...both albums have that...and the second is even more maniacal in that subject.




Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle (2013)

A friend of mine told me that somewhere in the unted states there was this band with many influences...for instance...Falkenbach, Summoning, and many others in the atmospheric, epic, pagan metal sound...which i first thought...that is impossible...summoning is unique...and falkenback too.

after a while...and still narrow minded...i googled the band´s name...and oh dear lord...that was amazing...i found in youtube their first single...and instantly became a fan. i have their material as well and i enjoy it very much...that sound so unique that takes you away from here...that makes you daydream and visit unknown lands and abandoned realms...and without leaving your room or wherever you are.

this is their debut album...and it is incredibly well done...not for the laidback minds that just settle with riffs and drums going fucking band has its own rythm...and is quite enjoyable...if yout open your narrow mind like i did.



Xerath Discography

Hailing from the United Kingdom...they started back in 2008...getting their first contract one year later after playing in pubs and some local venues...their first album "I" had mixed reviews...but overall the consensus was that they were decent and they had potential...that idea got proven in their second album entitled "II"...which changed the whole spectrum from their first album...the symphonic arrangements in a groove metal band plus the progressive style was something unheard so far...their second album had mixed reviews as well...but this time it was about the style they achieved...something that cannot be taken for granted...they were a unique band and deserved a lot of listening sessions to get into it...and it worked for them. in my personal opinion...they have a really marked influence from techncal and symphonic bands...but they didnt copy or emulate somebody else's sound...which is even rare nowadays.
Now...this year...they release their third album entitled...yeah...that is correct..."III"...laidback album titles huh?
this is the key point and the highest peak from Xerath...even more progressive than theiir previous album...some djent elements and the symphonic elemente feel natural...they´ve set a live strings sessions for most of their songs making the album an organic and constant flow song by song...i totally recommend this band fot those who are searching for something randomly well done...and get away from the same nowadays sounds in metal.




Hammerfall Discography

This swedish band has an interesting story. born from the roots of melodic death metal (yeah...Jesper Stromblad and Mikael Stanne plus Niklas Sundin started this project) they were actually a relegated band and also as a side project for these guys since they were involved in other projects that we all know what bands they were in for.

In 1996, HammerFall reached the semi-finals of Rockslaget. Since vocalist Mikael Stanne was not going to be able to perform with the band on the semi-finals, through mutual friends, they got in contact with Joacim Cans, who agreed to play with them for the night. The concert was a success, despite the fact that the judges didn't qualify HammerFall for the finals. By the end of that day, Joacim had already been made an official member of the band.

since that day Joacim became the permanent singer for the band...and they history of this band had just begun...In early 1997, German label Nuclear Blast approached HammerFall with a contract for a European release deal, which included four albums. Towards the end of 1997, "Glory to the Brave" was released in Japan and the United States. Sales of the album reached one hundred thousand copies. HammerFall were also nominated for the Swedish Grammy award in the Best Hard Rock act category....they hit the spot that year.

Their first world tour took place in October 1998, after the release of "Legacy of Kings". During the shows in Sweden, Joacim Cans caught a serious throat infection which made it impossible for him to sing. Shortly afterwards, Magnus Rosén was afflicted with the same disease, and after him the whole of HammerFall's support crew became sick. The members of the band played for as long as possible and then were forced to postpone or cancel a few dates. By the end of that tour, drummer Patrik Räfling left the band, and Anders Johansson joined the band.

Following the release of "Renegade", the reviews were mostly positive, even though there was a consensus that the band's sound was remarkably different. A music video was made for the title track, and reached the top of the Swedish parade; the same soon happened with the album itself, which reached gold status with over forty thousand copies sold.

After releasing "Crimson Thunder", HammerFall's tour was brought to a sudden end when Oscar Dronjak suffered a motorcycle accident, breaking his left arm and sustaining several minor injuries. They were then left with no choice but to take a break.

Their 6th album, titled "Threshold", was released on October 20, 2006 and it went directly to a number 1 position on the Swedish charts.

On March 6, 2007, a statement was posted online at HammerFall's official website (and his own official website), that bassist Magnus Rosén would not be involved with the band anymore, stating that he was unhappy in the band and wanted to focus on other projects. He has since released a few solo albums that are comprised mostly of bass playing and also joined Tony Martin's band.
On the next albums after threshold...the sound of tha band changed...and it was a shock for all the fans how they changed so quickly from the epicness of their songs and catchy something more technical and refined. No Sacrifice No Victory, was an album that people didnt care that much and the following album was even worse...Infected...which had a lot of negative reviews by fans and the critics went soft with them calling the album "an interesting light heavy metal"...which defined properly their sound so far. 2014 they released their new material called (R)evolution...with a fresh sound and renovated style mixing the old days of glory with their experimentation in the infected album and the previos one No Sacrifice, No Victory...a great album with the epicness from the Crimson Thunder days. and a n album worth to listen to indeed.



Thanatos - Discography (Remasters)

Country: Netherlands
Genre: Death/Thrash Metal

Dutchmen are more than stroopwaffels, a famous and solid soccer league, legal marijuana consumption and world-class cheese production, amongst others. They are great musicians as well. Proof of this, is the existence of Thanatos, formed back in the late 80's in Rotterdam, South Holland. This band is responsible for having been infecting the mind of innocent people with their evil, fast-paced music, and whose first 3 releases became major influence for metal generations to come. Some of this music lacked proper sound quality and despite the fact that one may become used to listen mediocre productions, there is no reason why you shouldn't like the music with an upgraded sound. This is the case for the discography of Thanatos, which was partially remastered in 2012 and finalised in 2014. The 5 full-length set is a delight for metal fans and I would definitely encourage anyone to listen to the first three in a row. There are no fillers, no space, no gaps. Just pure death/thrash metal of the finest and most adulterated calibre. The last two productions are quite enjoyable but obviously were written with different intentions many years after the first 3 LP set. Let yourself be embraced by the greek god of death and be confident that you'll be taken to a sonic journey of unknown paths, deep pits and probably some tulips on your way. Alstublieft!



Cannibal Corpse - A Skeletal Domain (2014)

Country: US
Genre: Death Metal

It's not very difficult to guess that most of old-school metallers love the Barnes-era of Cannibal Corpse. How not to like the great chunky lyrics and the unsophisticated phrasing of the marijuana-obsessed ex-frontman and metal icon? Primitive, raw, minimalistic sounds resembling the coldness of a slaughterhouse at night. Anyway, the point here is that despite the efforts done by the band during their initial stages, their ability to grow not just technically but professionally, is remarkable. And is not about fame and recognition or about incomes. It's about hard working pro-musicians whose sole mission on this Earth is to crush everything with their music, and whose musical output has become better and better from each recording to the next one. New metal fanatics probably had their cannibalistic initiation via the newer material such as Gore Obsessed or The Wretched Spawn, and there are even newer ones whose first contact occurred with the last 3 releases of band. They probably don't even know about Barnes or Butchered at Birth, but I bet they are already stuck into the newer sounds of CC. "A Skeletal Domain" it's the band's 13th full-length recording and is as professional as a death metal release can be. Produced by well-known death metal mastermind Erik Rutan, this record can be seen in the same direction as the last four releases, top-notch technical old school death metal with no trace of modern tech-death wankering. Besides the music, the only complaint that I have is with the poor cover. Long-time cover art artist Vincent Locke didn't manage to make a proper cover art, and I have no doubt about his painting skills. I cannot imagine how messy and disgusting are the official album t-shirts going to look like. I wonder if Mr. Vincent Locke will be able to keep up with the pace of CC's artistic development or if the band itself is the one asking for those horrible designs. Anyway, get your copy and cannibalise it home or at your nearest butcher.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Vallenfyre Discography

Formed in 2010 in Halifax, England...this band arises from the mastermind of Greg Mackintosh And  Hamilton Glencross...a raw sound heavily influenced by Celtic Frost...even the Monotheist album has a print in this band. love the guitars, the "dirty" sound of the band overall enhances their style...we know they havent invented it...but we can label them if you prefer as a Death/Doom Band...

Fearless Vocals By Greg...HM and his Insane Riffs plus the drums of  Adrian Erlandsson...this band is powerful...both albums are fantastic...track after track they seem to enjoy making this music, and at the same time we are doing the same as well...totally recommended if you wanna hear something different besides triggered drums and grunt vocals behind all the wankering in the guitars that some death metal bands have become nowadays.


Belphegor - Conjuring the Dead (2014)

Country: Austria
Genre: Death/Black Metal

The band itself needs no introduction. A 20+ year career, 10 LP's under their belt, worldwide recognised evilness, nothing else to add. But when it comes to introduce you to the music, it becomes somehow tricky. These guys have managed to turn from a very straight-forward black metal band in the Marduk/Dark Funeral fashion, to a death/black metal combo with many eclectic elements. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this type of music when I first played this album. Is rich in sound, it's rarely melodic, it has many black metal sounds, but the musical structures and the main skeleton of this output is purely death metal. Maybe this is good or bad, but I'm still biased to think that Belphegor remained frozen in time and they still sound like they used to do back in their Lucifer Incestus LP, which is not the case. The drums are dynamic, lyrics are intense (and sometimes silly) and the guitar tone is... decent. But when you hear it as a "whole" and not trying to isolate the elements, the final result is worth listening and quite enjoyable. Production and mix-wise, this record is not even close to perfection, but these failures in production give you a different listening experience. For example, the drums are sunk under the guitars which try to invade as a wall of sound, but there are small gaps in which you can clearly hear more of the cymbals, which for me, is good. Some blast beats are so deeply sunk under the guitars that, for example, it becomes a pleasure to hear when the mix allows the ride bell to emerge from the cacophonous mass. There's another element that I somehow enjoyed, which is the incorporation of thrashy riffs which eventually turned into death metal maelstrom. This is by no means a ground-breaking release but is still enjoyable. Nevertheless, this is one of those examples in which production mistakes and mixing deficiencies result in a decent musical experience. I'm just wondering when is Belphegor going to use less pompous cover arts and not try to put a whole farm in it. One day...


Skyforest - Aftermath (2014)

A good friend of mine in moscow told me that the new project from BM (Blurry Lights) had been anounced, i almost shit myself...when you listen to Blurry Lights you will understand why...which i totally recommend by the way.
Later on...Tim Yatras, a.k.a. Sorrow (Germ, Grey Waters, Austere) was confirmed on vocals...then i lost it...completely. he has a unique way to sing with such grief and pain...but there is also a sense of an euphoric depression trough his vocals..."feel shitty today but remember...tomorrow is a new day" kind of thing.
This mixture of genuises and styles gave birth to Skyforest...and man...i´ts like heroin to my ears. A brilliant album...atmospheric elements, great and understandable vocals, the guitar passages are astonishing...that gazey touch in some tracks makes you wander and get lost in every melody this album emerges...for me is not a rare feeling cause i am used to it trough Yatras work...but the atmospheric element and those strings take it to a whole new level of coldness, despair and melancholy so unique...that makes it in my personal top 10 of this year...highly ranked of course.

this album is a journey...but is not for everyone sadly...if you´re looking for the ritualistic and primitive headbanging, plus monotone riffs and catchy choruses...definitely is not for you...this is for people with a different mindset, different emotional burden or even a different approach to music in general...of course...the album is worth the listen...even if you´re in any of these type of people...but it will be even better and it will enhance the experience if you are truly in touch with your emotions instead of your basic and primitive instincts. a masterpiece of this year´s releases and so unique...that if i keep typing...i will repeat the word unique several times.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Babymetal - Babymetal (2014)

Back in the day...i remember a japanese band that mixed electronic with metal...melodic death metal to be specific...their name: Blood Stain Child. but now...and from Japan also...This band shows up so unexpected and groundbreaking for all the western a shockwave into the Metal Foundations and it was so hard to bear...that it is still one of the most debated subjects nowadays in social media everywhere. 3 little girls, Su, Moa And Yui...and behind them, well renowned musicians on the Japanese metal scene genres such as Power Metal and the always contradicted Visual Kei.
When their first video (Doki-Doki Morning) showed up...i first laughed...but not that i was actually mocking them or even making fun of the concept...but i was so surprised and nervous...a normal reaction when something so unique shows up and you try not to glance or even watch as a whole...but i can´t help it...i am now so addicted to this...that i even play them once a week is a great mix of the "kawai" sound plus really good metal performances...with that characteristic sound only done by and in Japan.
it will take time...i even think that this unique bitchslap to the metal archetypes will take years to heal...cause let's face it...not even in the most uncommon and unexpected creative mind in the metal scene...something like this would be even conceived in a nightmare...this is so rare to happen...and so pleasant to listen to...their voices are not annoying...even the "poppy" stuff is likeable...and the metal part is so damn good...that a lot of bands need to listen to this project to learn a little about musicianship as well.
A joke for many...a musical breaktrough for a few...and i am one of those few who dared to go even beyond the canons of the almost overly done metal sound. amazing and an unicorn in tights...that is the best reasonable analogy i can think of right now.


Red Zone Rider - Red Zone Rider (2014)

Country: USA
Genre: Blues/Hard Rock

Vinnie Moore hands down is one of the best shredders of the 80s...and even i dare to put them in the top 20 of all time.
it´s been a while now since i heard Mind´s Eye...and it still shocks me...all his career was like that...very versatile and very clean playing plus the neoclassical part which made him one of a kind...sadly during that time another genius had arisen in that era...Malmsteen...but never the less...Moore knew how to keep up...and even proving that he wasn´t a clone in that movement...being compared to Macalpine and Gilbert or Becker...he had his own sound and style...easy to recognize for those who were more into the musicianship than just comparing with no ground to stand on.

Now...joining forces with Kelly Keeling (MSG) and Scott Coogan (Lita Ford) he develops something eintirely different but good...a blues with a lot of heart and soul...specially now when it is "all about the riffs" soul left or no feeling left at all...just riffs that make you headbang but not a solo that makes you wander in the depth of mind and daydreaming about everything you have to think of during your day or week.
But, is not only has that old school sound from the days when hard rock was being brought into the 80s...classic 70s groovy riffs and musical attire from those days fits so perfectly here...that even it has that Deep Purple-ish touch which has been forgotten by many.

An album to share a glass of wine with a friend...or for a chatty afternoon with those that you care album for everyone and everyday...and album that grows everytime i listen to it...and its already the 13th time that i listen to it so far.


Iron Reagan - The Tyranny of Will (2014)

Country: US
Genre: Crossover/Thrash

What is the purpose of making a side project when you sound exactly the same as your main band? This makes no sense in most of the cases, but here these guys manage to sound "almost" like Municipal Waste but adding a bit more of flavour to it... How's this possible you may think? The crossover/thrash frenzy is present here, but the guitars and the riffs have this "something", which I can't describe and I'm not even going to attempt to think about. This simple but unknown element shifts the music to a heavier, more thrashy level, making the overall sound to be more powerful and solid. This said, it's like listening to an upgraded version of Municipal Waste without having to wait 20 years for the band to make a re-recording or a remaster of their old, out-of-print catalogue. There are some sections of the album which reminded me some of the later work from Toxic Holocaust: simple but effective riffs released on a clean but full crunchy guitar tone. Vocals are annoying as always, if I had the chance of getting rid of this vocalist I would get rid of him from both Iron R. and Municipal W. Sorry for him, not my cup of tea. In overall, is a great album with the standard crossover elements but with an additional tonal/compositional plus which makes it different. There is a musical contribution on the guitar department, provided by Cannabis Corpse axeman Landphil Hall. Maybe Mr. Hall helped the guys from Municipal Waste to be "less" Municipal Waste... Which is better...



Solefald - Discography (1997 - 2010)

Country: Norway
Genre: Avantgarde/Black Metal

My first years of university studies (back in 2000-2001) were full of experimentation in many senses. One of this experimentations came with the listening of "Neonism", Solefald's second album. Back then I always had the curiosity of getting me a copy of "The Linear Scaffold" from the mail-order catalogue from Century Media, but this never became a reality. "Neonism" came to me as one of those sick moves of fate in which something completely established in your life is crushed and a new something comes out of the ashes of what had been there before. The album is just "too" weird on the first listens. Nevertheless, and after countless hours of meticulous exploration, the album was "in". Nowadays and despite it's weirdness, it's one of my all-time favourites. Lazare (of Carpathian Forest and Borknagar fame) and Cornelius are like two chess players in a display of marvellous moves: their music is bizarre, fast, catchy, confronting. Their lyrics range from straight forward English to some German and French poetry. Aside from their musical career, Cornelius is a well known journalist in Norwegian newspapers and publishes independent works on philosophy, culture and philology. This academic and intellectual plus from the band members creates an additional and evident endeavour in their music: it's not just about writing cool music, is about making you think, wonder, question yourself. Music-wise, I'm still pretty premature in terms of exploring their newer material, but with "Neonism" having such a musical impact in my sonic experiences, I can almost blindly guarantee that the rest of the material will be as rebel and unorthodox as that first offering. Give it a listen, buy their music. We can't just let these guys walk away and not make another album. Period.


Kissin' Dynamite - Megalomania (2014)

Country: Germany
Genre: Hard Rock/Heavy Metal

i am a huge hard rock fan since i was a has been in my personal taste for a while and, as you can see...this is a hard rock album...but not just a random album from a young band that has built to itlsef its own fanbase in a time frame no longer than 5 years...this german band has quite a reminescence sound from the old days when hard rock ruled the world...and quite has another fan in me...this is their third album...with catchy choruses and everything that hard rock rquires...they have it in a very defined way and sound. dont expect them to be cheesy or even cliche...expect them to be a flashback to the late 80s and early 90s...with a 2014 excellent production level. i was actually curious since it is a 50/50 chance in hard rock...they passed with a 80/20...which as hard rock bands are developing nowadays and its sound is going to, is really good. This is the kind of material you would enjoy to change the mood in a rainy cheers you up in a second...and it does that with me...takes me to a journey of different emotions, all positive and easy to be compelled...not dramatic nor even deep enough to daydream also...just pure fun with a slight touch of nostalgia...but in a good way. a journey i recommend.



Japanische Kampfhoerspiele - Welt Ohne Werbung (2014)

Germany seems to have an endless repertoire of amazing bands who hardly emerge from the underworld. This is the case of Japanische Kampfhoerspiele (AKA JaKa), a band which I had the pleasure to hear via a friend who suggested me to hear it. This is the type of music which immediately grasps your attention and starts drilling you in your forehead. No questions asked, and when you realize, you have been lobotomised by these German sickos. I spent about 2 hours today listening to them and despite the fact that I'm slightly more biased by my mood than your average person when analysing music, I can say without doubts that these guys are insane. But genius-insane. Immediately I had the urge of sharing the album with more of my friends and even had a couple of them saying that they have seen a lot of their material available, but the silliness of the name and the oddness of the productions made them one of those bands which you don't really consider when acquiring new music. Anyway, it will be a matter of how this release grows in me through time, but I will definitely give it more listens and keep discovering new marvels in this release. I don't want to make comparisons, but this release sounded like a more grindcorish/blackmetalish version of Spastik Ink. Anyway, I would absolutely suggest to give them a listen. However, I'm not responsible if you become disturbed... or insane.

