Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Iron Reagan - The Tyranny of Will (2014)

Country: US
Genre: Crossover/Thrash

What is the purpose of making a side project when you sound exactly the same as your main band? This makes no sense in most of the cases, but here these guys manage to sound "almost" like Municipal Waste but adding a bit more of flavour to it... How's this possible you may think? The crossover/thrash frenzy is present here, but the guitars and the riffs have this "something", which I can't describe and I'm not even going to attempt to think about. This simple but unknown element shifts the music to a heavier, more thrashy level, making the overall sound to be more powerful and solid. This said, it's like listening to an upgraded version of Municipal Waste without having to wait 20 years for the band to make a re-recording or a remaster of their old, out-of-print catalogue. There are some sections of the album which reminded me some of the later work from Toxic Holocaust: simple but effective riffs released on a clean but full crunchy guitar tone. Vocals are annoying as always, if I had the chance of getting rid of this vocalist I would get rid of him from both Iron R. and Municipal W. Sorry for him, not my cup of tea. In overall, is a great album with the standard crossover elements but with an additional tonal/compositional plus which makes it different. There is a musical contribution on the guitar department, provided by Cannabis Corpse axeman Landphil Hall. Maybe Mr. Hall helped the guys from Municipal Waste to be "less" Municipal Waste... Which is better...



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