Sunday, September 21, 2014

Decapitated - Blood Mantra (2014)

When first formed, the age of the band members ranged from 12 (Vitek) to 16 (Vogg and Sauron).

On October 29th 2007, whilst traveling to a show in Gomel, Belarus, the band were involved in an automobile accident. Their tour bus collided with a truck carrying wood, injuring Vitek and Covan seriously. On November 2, 2007, Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka was declared dead due to injuries sustained from the bus accident. Currently, Covan is still recovering from his head injuries. It is still unknown if he will make a full recovery.

Since the band were without a permanent bass player at the time, Vogg was left as the only member of Decapitated. He temporarily joined Vader in 2008, but later that year decided to reactivate Decapitated. The band finally reformed in 2009 with three new members.

They Released 2 albums after that tragedy..."Carnival Is Forever"...and this one..."Blood Mantra". to be honest...carnival was more no less...nothing that will make me destroy my room with a bat and then wonder what have i done...then Blood Mantra shows up...and i need a new closet...i mean...i enjoyed it very much...even though the first twos singles werent that attractive...the whole albums works is a fair album even slightly better than a bit. even though i totally will know that a lot of people will say "is not them same without vitek" kind of me Mlody the drummer did a great job in this material...worth to check and listen least once.



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