Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nightbringer - Ego Dominus Tuus (2014)

I met this band in 2011 with their album "Apocalypse Sun" knowing also that they will release a new albun that year...and they got me hooked since. this is a different black metal many other that have emerged recently...and by different i mean that their lyrics and music is so sophisticated and well written...that it is a tribute to philosophy...the occult dark philosophy. going in a different direction from where all black metal bands are...specially in the satanic subject...they are way ahead of the curve...and they´re not alone...bands Such as Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega, Inferno; and a few more...they are into a different sense of the Luciferian theme...doing it based on the Prometheic Doctrine And Also The Thelema Writings...making an "Intelligent Black Metal"...why? because i presume that they got fed up of the same shit over and over again...just check their lyrics and you will understand why. and that is why i like this band so much...i mean...they left the boredom that implies to mention satan in every song...and even some stupidity about jesus and doing tons of shit to a corpse already mutilated and abused so many times trough the years...that is so dull and simplistic to even talk about it this case we are at the first steps of musicianship and lyricism greatness...a black metal well done...furious, mercyless...and totally above the majority of bands nowadays. and it´s funny to see how the "iconic" bands react to this kind of material, cause...honestly they are been left behind by this movement which is so young...that in the next 10 years they will be the new black metal icons. mark my words black metal fans looking for something better and even born from the depths of this occult philosophy that was hidden...this is a new era of consciousness...a new era of darkness...for the open minded and elitist thinkers...and of course not suitable for those who think of satan as a cartoonish being...Lucifer is more interesting...and even bettet described.


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