Saturday, September 27, 2014

Grave Upheaval - Untitled (2013)

Country: Australia
Genre: Death Metal

Saying that this band is "death metal" could be one of the worst descriptions ever. It's not "just" death metal. Think of the deepest and darkest cave you can imagine, and then you put the most powerful amp you can find, plug your heaviest sounding guitar tuned to some unknown low note and start playing the most cacophonous and destructive melodies. Then you record some of these songs and make an album with no name, finishing it with the darkest and most perverse cover art. Make an altar, lit the candles and make invocations whilst listening to this record... This record itself is an energetic and chaotic display of extreme music and creates a mass (not wall) of sound that can be enjoyed in a single take. Obviously they sound like their friends Impetuous Ritual, which is a silly comparison considering that both are considerably unknown and is quite difficult for people to know them. They sound a bit like Portal as well, but this is because the three bands Portal/Grave Upheaval/Impetuous Ritual share most of their personnel. It seems that they want to produce more bands and collaborations in the same circle of musicians, but because the concepts are different, each have their own flavour, their own "sound". There is uniqueness in this music, but definitely they want to emulate the old glory from one of the heavyweights from Australian death metal: Disembowelment. It's like listening to this old, iconic band and with a different mix. It has the same depth and cavernous power; it also has the same processional rhythmic approach: cadent and slow. I don't want to be exaggeratedly pessimist about the feeling that I had when listening to this record, but I had this morbid thoughts when that happened: this is the soundtrack for the burial of mankind. Say no more, pick the record (if there are some copies still left from NWN) and grab your gasmask before you start hearing the air raid sirens warning you about the nuclear devastation. And press play in your stereo before that happens...


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